- Non-verbal communication (voice and prosody)
- Cognitive and emotional processing (attention and memory)
- Perception and imagery of audio messages (advertising and fiction)
She has obtained a Marie Curie European grant (Research Fellowship Programme) to do research at the Institute for Communication Research (Indiana University, US) for two years (2013-2015).
She has 2 national research positive evaluations (2003-2008 and 2009-2014, ANECA) and 2 regional research positive evaluations: 2000-2005 and 2006-2011 (AQU, Catalunya).
She has been accredited in National Plan to be Senior Lecturer in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, 2/105/2005 (Juny, 2007); accredited as contracted PhD, by Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad, ANECA, Evaluation of professors (may, 2006), and accredited as Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Audiovisual Communication specialty.
Her research focuses on the impact of auditory/radio elements and forms of nonverbal communication, especially voice and prosody, on information processing of media, in particular, attention and memory. Rodero’s research has been published in prestigious international journals such as Communication Research, Media Psychology, Sex Roles or Journal of Radio and Audio Media. She is also author of more than ten books and around fifty scientific articles or collaborations in books chapters about communication on radio.
She is membership of: Asociación Española de Radiofonistas, Observatori de la Ràdio de Catalunya, ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), GRER (Grup de Recherches et d’etudes sur la radio), AIMC (Asociación para la investigación de los medios de comunicación), IAMCR – (International Association for Media and Communication Research), and ICA (International Communication Association).