Full Professor of Media Psychology and Neurocommunication in the Department of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain).
Education: Ph.D. in Communication, Ph.D. in Psychology, Master in Pathology of Voice, Master in Psychology of Cognition, Marie Curie Fellow (European Union).
PROFESSOR: Communication Skills, Public speaking, Media Psychology, and Audio Processing, UPF.
RESEARCHER: Director of the Media Psychology Lab (UPF). Impact of communication strategies, especially audio and speech, on the cognitive and emotional processing of messages (attention and memory) using biometrics. Author of more than ten books and seventy scientific papers. Expert of the European Commission to evaluate proposals for EU funding.
SPEAKER AND VOICE-OVER ARTIST: Speaker at international conferences, voice-over artist, and over a decade of experience in the radio and television industry.
OTHERS: Member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society of Psychophysiological Research, Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva, member of the Programme Committee for RadioDays Europe, jury member of the International Sound Awards (Audio Branding Academy).
Aprende cómo persuadir con tu voz. Estrategias para sonar creíble

Habitualmente imparto cursos tanto presenciales como online sobre voz, entonación, locución, oratoria o comunicación no verbal, pero me gusta hacerlo de manera personalizada, ajustándolos a tus conocimientos previos y a los objetivos buscados en la formación. Por eso, si estás buscando un curso, escribe a emma.rodero@upf.edu y te mandaré una propuesta. Gracias por tu interés.
I usually teach both face-to-face and online courses on voice, intonation, speech, public speaking, or nonverbal communication. However, I like to do it in a personalized way, adjusting the courses to your previous knowledge and the objectives sought in the training. So, if you are looking for a course, write to emma.rodero@upf.edu, and I will send you a proposal. Thanks for your interest.